Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Happy 15th Birthday, CodeLyokoFan2002!

Hey everyone; OfficerAPC is here to present another birthday shoutout video. This one goes to CodeLyokoFan2002, who has been a special friend to me (and vice versa) in good and bad times. She thinks I am awesome, especially with my wonderful videos I make for her and others. Last year, she inspired me to schedule birthday shoutout videos at midnight on their birthday in the recipient's local time zone. CodeLyokoFan2002 and I share a high interest in some of the PS2 series, such as Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank. So CodeLyokoFan2002 (a.k.a. Cool Lombax Fan), if you are watching this video, happy 15th birthday!


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