Saturday, December 22, 2018

Anti-Michael Flynn League

Remember what happened at the start of last December?

The Powerhouse of Anti-Duncan League

Just a collection of preserved cringe from said group...

Officer Jimmy Hopkins VGCP

Call 1-800-OJH-VGCP for Business Inquiries!

Officer Anthony Canfora UTTP

Call 1-800-OAC-UTTP for Business Inquiries!

What I Think of YouTube Heroes

It smells like 100 horses' butts!

Stephen Larson Cringe Compilation

During the first month of my UtubeTrollPoliceTeam career, I encountered a wanted criminal named Stephen Larson, who has been known to attack various users and communities.

Unfinished Business

Some of my past channels included unfinished video series and I'm here to clear that up for you.

Message to Evil Clowns

"That is not funny! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Overused Terms

Here are some of the overused terms by various cartoon polices.

OfficerJesse Cringe Compilation

Since OfficerJesse was behind the WZT accounts, I decided to make a cringe compilation showing all of the incriminating screenshots, with personal information censored for privacy reasons.

GoAnimators in a Nutshell

These guys like to make ridiculous GoAnimate videos, particularly involving unrealistic punishments and strong biases against certain fictional characters.

Lowering Health Thing

"We're gonna have to lower your health!"

The Powerhouse of Entertainment, Inc.

In 2015, The Powerhouse of Entertainment was a wonderful community to join on Google+, but spoiled within 2016.  To this day, this community remains a horrible place to be with members acting like they are in cartoon police groups.

Big Brother 15 vs The Amazing Race 24

Both of these reality television seasons were atrocious to watch with the former promoting bigotry and other forms of injustice and the latter forcing my enlistment in the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam.

OfficerAPC on WordPress

Primary -

Secondary -

Tertiary -

Enlisted Officer In-Training

A new rank has been created for the purpose of members transitioning from enlisted to officer status with enhanced requirements to make sure the latter is given to those who worked hard and deserve it.nnRanks in UTTP Master Computer Wikin

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Happy 26th Birthday, FreezingFlameSaint64!

First off, you may notice I am wearing my Santa Claus outfit I got for Christmas two years ago and then I got a new office chair for my room. And second, I apologize if you hear sirens in the background; those are from local fire trucks within the vicinity. Now on to the birthday shoutout video for FreezingFlameSaint64 (or Freezie for short). Today is her 26th birthday and we have been friends for almost four years now, which means I am 25½ years old making this video. Times have changed since the last birthday shoutout I gave her, as far as where she's active online, but our friendship remains intact. Ho-ho-ho! Happy 26th Birthday, FreezingFlameSaint64!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Follow Up on Google+

On Monday, I learned Google+ was going to be shut down four months sooner due to another security bug on the site. My overall chores performance for the year is also addressed because of serious issues that could lead to my dismissal from the force.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Cheer Up Video 15 for Greenstar Emily 2002

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnOnce again, I was excited for Greenstar Emily 2002's birthday, which ended up in ruins because of drama online and in real life. Hopefully her birthday next year will be great for the first time in years!nnP.S. This is my 150th (and possibly my final) cheer up video!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy 16th Birthday, Greenstar Emily 2002!

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnSorry for the lack of uploads lately, I had to take a break from uploading due to a post-Thanksgiving sore throat with some feverish symptoms. But now that I am feeling better, I'm ready to make a birthday shoutout video for Greenstar Emily 2002. This is no ordinary birthday by the way, it happens to be the Sweet 16 for her, in which this past May included multiple Sweet 16s for our online friends, though some turned against us with questionable actions. But nonetheless, Greenstar Emily 2002 has learned from me and others how to remain calm in undesirable situations. Let's all hope for a Happy 16th Birthday for Greenstar Emily 2002!