Saturday, June 23, 2018

Mass Cheer Up Video

Disowned on Jun 24, 2018nThis has been the second worst weekend of 2018 for me (the worst being the Super Bowl LII Weekend) because the situation turned out to be a hoax for attention. It also serves as a reminder of why death hoaxes come with serious consequences.nnJaelynn Watterson's Confession to the Death Hoaxn Original Descriptionn"Please consider spending your free time to pray for Jaelynn Watterson, my Best BFF!"

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pink Lives Matter

"Due to the Webmail Scandal, I am now part of the VideoGameCartoonPolice!" --- Officer Jimmy Hopkins VGCP

Aqua Lives Matter

"Due to the Webmail Scandal, I am now part of the UtubeTrollPolice!" --- Officer Anthony Canfora UTTP

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy 25th Birthday, OfficerAPC!

Disowned on Nov 14, 2018nI have been screwing up in chores so much it has put me on the Naughty List.nnMy Original DescriptionnThis is one of those birthdays where it intersects with another holiday. It's my Silver Birthday and Fathers Day at the same time. Might as well call it Father & Son Day; but anyway, this is a birthday shoutout video to myself. Every five years of age means another slash in tally marks along with nicknames. To me, my 10th birthday 15 years ago was my bronze birthday; 25 years from now will be my golden birthday when I reach age 50. But today, I celebrate my 25th birthday after I achieved something very special earlier this month, which was accumulating a full gallon of donated whole blood. There were some negative moments I had at age 24, but overall the positive moments eventually made things better for me. Anyone who is watching may say this to me, "Happy 25th (a.k.a. Silver) Birthday to OfficerAPC!"

Cheer Up Video 5 for Fion Lim

Just when will this pestering stop? Someone with episodic depression obsesses over wanting Fion Lim back as a friend, but she has already denied this "friend request". However, this did not stop the pain as Fion Lim continues being bothered when the user could just have moved on to making new friends, something I learned the very hard way a long time ago.nnCrazy Candy Creation on MoFunZone (originally on WONKA)n video is a response to...n

Friday, June 15, 2018

11th Random Video (Great Envelope Paper Airplane)

Since my birthday is just a few days away, I might as well do a classic Show & Tell (something I used to do in elementary school) video.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy Flag Day 2018!

Last year was just an ordinary Flag Day; this year, it's also the start of the FIFA World Cup, a soccer tournament that happens every four years.nn"How To Win The FIFA World Cup" by HowToBasicn

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Happy 16th Birthday, Sky Media!

I know this one is being made later than usual, but welcome to another birthday shoutout video for Sky Media. In late 2016, he was known as Shadow66 and then became Sky Media in mid 2017. Over the recent months, he stands up against pointless drama ever since he and his friends had rough summers last year. And earlier this year, he congratulated me on my efforts in the successful flagging of a spam YouTube channel that posted nothing but scams that could otherwise have sickened computers and other electronic devices with Internet access. Therefore, he deserves to be wished a Happy 16th Birthday!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Cheer Up Video 5 for Lps Moon Light

Occasionally, a friendship may run into issues that act as obstacles. Colliding with an object by car may damage it; same thing holds true with friendships. Lps Moon Light is upset because she ran into one of those problems with a friend and this cheer up video includes a HowToBasic parody.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Cheer Up Video 13 for CodeLyokoFan2002

I decided to make this cheer up video for CodeLyokoFan2002 the same way I did for Greenstar Emily 2002 yesterday. Both videos are also response videos to their problematic actions.nnDeal or No Deal on MoFunZonen

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Cheer Up Video 11 for Greenstar Emily 2002

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnYou might think one comment from a certain troll has upset Greenstar Emily 2002, but there's more to it than that. The best course of action is to deplete the troll's special fuel called pe-troll-eum by simply ignoring him. Blocking and reporting may help, but the goal is to get him to stop doing awful things by not responding to them.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

10th Random Video (Windows XP Solitaire)

When I had Windows XP, I used to play the classic pre-installed games, such as Solitaire.nn"Over Time" by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Friday, June 8, 2018

Cheer Up Video 14 for FarhantheMovieGuy

I'm afraid FarhantheMovieGuy's depression has reached comparable levels to mine 10 years ago. If I wait any longer to make a cheer up video, it may be too late and something serious may happen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Welcome to OfficerAPC!

In 2016, when I first opened up this channel, it was called OfficerAPC (Tertiary), which represented the combination of my former OfficerAPC (Primary) and OfficerAPC (Secondary) accounts in 2014. Nowadays, the tertiary part of my channel name is not needed.nnThis video is a response to...n

Monday, June 4, 2018

Happy 15th Birthday, FarhantheMovieGuy!

Hi everyone, this is OfficerAPC with another birthday shoutout video! It's for FarhantheMovieGuy, who celebrates his 15th birthday today. Yay! Not to mention on my 15th birthday, that was the same day I graduated from middle school; but let's not get off-topic. FarhantheMovieGuy is a great friend of mine online, as he was there for me when I was feeling down; most recently being some point this year, back in February when I had difficulty with chores and then he ultimately motivated me to do better in them. So FarhantheMovieGuy, as well as FardintheCartoonLover, I would like to wish both of you twins a Happy 15th Birthday!

Welcome to OfficerAPC (Secondary)!

This channel trailer is for my former OfficerAPC (Secondary) channel, which is now available on Upload Stars.n Used (Creative Commons):n video is a response to...n

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Happy 15½ Birthday, Greenstar Emily 2002!

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnDespite some communications in 2016, it wasn't until the summer of 2017 when Greenstar Emily 2002 and I officially became friends. Over that summer, things got crazy online and in real life; and in those stressful moments, she and I were there for each other with cheer up videos made to calm each other down. Those videos included funny memories from a few years ago when Jaelynn Watterson, Caroline Thetford, and TheSonyFanGirl1 had SweetToadette01, SweetBitty05, and ThePetLover1357, respectively. Greenstar (a.k.a. Sparklestar) Emily 2002, I would like to wish you a Happy 15½ Birthday!

Welcome to OfficerAPC (Primary)!

This channel trailer is for my former OfficerAPC (Primary) channel, which is now available on Upload Stars.n Used (Creative Commons):n video is a response to...n