Monday, April 30, 2018

Happy 16th Birthday, Caroline Thetford!

Disowned on Nov 11, 2018nIt has come to my attention Caroline Thetford cannot own up to her actions and was insincere with her apologies.nnMy Original DescriptionnAfter a monthlong of daily dining at HowToBasic's Chez Noir, I am now ready to give a third birthday shoutout for Caroline Thetford. My friendship with her began in mid 2015 and then expanded in early 2016, making her special to me. Last year, she began communicating online in other languages, especially French. She was there for me whenever I was feeling down for some reason and I returned the favor when she needed comforting. Outside of those moments, we supported each other in happy times, which of course includes birthdays and holidays. Oh and speaking of the former, let's wish Caroline Thetford a Happy 16th Birthday (a.k.a. Sweet 16)!

Friday, April 27, 2018


On Thursday, December 28, 2017, JackTheGalagaFan got arrested for Jalacktigate, where he shared child pornography on Discord. This was the last drama incident of 2017.


On Tuesday, January 17, 2017, OfficerAPC got arrested for Apologygate, where he made an apology video over a dumb reason. This was the first drama incident of 2017.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Zero Apocalyptic Evidence

These posts are getting so annoying I had to make this video. They fall under the category of false reports, which goes against Rule 2 of Section 4 prohibiting such content.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Happy Earth Day 2018!

It's been two years since I made my first upload on this channel. Due to coincidental timing of being Earth Day as well, I decided for the future, anniversaries for my YouTube channel will feature throwbacks that recycle and reuse my past content.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Happy 14th Birthday, PoptartsRock21!

One year ago, PoptartsRock21 became a teenager; today, he is 14 years old and I've got a birthday shoutout for him! He's one of those people who focuses on real life instead of online drama, just like Timmy Cabrera and Harley Crocker. Come to think of it, the screen name he currently has is very interesting as it reminds me of a childhood breakfast, namely Pop-Tarts. Yum! Those are delicious like a birthday cake for PoptartsRock21's 14th birthday!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cheer Up Video for PoptartsRock21

It's bad enough I had to suffer a painful friendship issue, but an online friend of mine is going through the same thing.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Happy 15th Birthday, A Dep!

After April Easter Fools Sunday to conclude Lent that began with St. Ash Valentine's Wednesday, I now have a new birthday shoutout to give. From last year, A Dep is one of the users who participated in my Top 86 Bullworth Academy Character Contest as well as the Top 10 Bullworth Academy Classes on YouTube. On Google+ and Twitter, she has a great time with me away from pointless drama. So A Dep, if you are just tuning in, I wanna wish you a Happy 15th Birthday!