Saturday, December 16, 2017

Happy 25th Birthday, FreezingFlameSaint64!

Talk about a hot-n-cold name! That's right, I'm doing a birthday shoutout to FreezingFlameSaint64, my online girlfriend. Since last year, quite a lot has changed as far as online experience, but I still have a relationship with her, whom I like to refer to as Cuddly Sweets. With the YouTube Video Editor gone three months ago, she has moved on to making videos from Plotagon, which add more plot to her videos and make them more exciting to watch. Come to think of it, her birthday is also my halfway birthday and vice versa because she was born six months before me. So FreezingFlameSaint64, I am now 24½ years old wishing you a Happy 25th (a.k.a. Silver) Birthday!


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