Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Happy 44th Birthday, PurpleHelmetAvenger!

Welcome everybody to the UTTP Special Edition of Birthday Shoutouts with OfficerAPC as the host. Why is this a UTTP-themed birthday shoutout you may ask? Well, this shoutout video goes to PurpleHelmetAvenger, also known as PHA Commanding Officer. In the past, UTTP was a problematic group of users. Thankfully, PurpleHelmetAvenger changed all of that after dethroning a prior UTTP leader that was found to be a negative influence on the Internet. This happened almost 2 years ago and PurpleHelmetAvenger has since maintained law and order for the new and improved UTTP. This is OfficerAPC wishing PurpleHelmetAvenger a Happy 44th Birthday from Theta UTTP News on Channel One.


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