Monday, July 25, 2016

Happy 14th Birthday, CodeLyokoFan2002!

Hey everyone; OfficerAPC is here to present another birthday shoutout video. This one goes to CodeLyokoFan2002, who had made me a cheer-up birthday gift video for when my 23rd birthday got ruined. That video, as well as other wonderful videos for other users, shows she cares for people. In return, I cared for her by making her a cheer up video when she was upset about something. Come to think of it, CodeLyokoFan2002 and I are both fans of Ratchet and Clank, which is how I came up with the "More Like" nickname Cool Lombax Fan. So CodeLyokoFan2002 (a.k.a. Cool Lombax Fan), if you are watching this video, happy birthday!


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