Thursday, June 30, 2016

Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails, if used appropriately and correctly, can really help creators gain potential subscribers and other forms of activity/engagement on their videos. Unfortunately, there are some "bad apples" out there will use deceptive thumbnails as well as those against the Community Guidelines.nnThis video is a response to...n

Cheer Up Video for Jaelynn Watterson

Disowned on Jun 24, 2018nIt has come to my attention Jaelynn Watterson does very bad things for three consecutive Junes.nnMy Original Descriptionn"Earlier this week, I did a cheer up video for Caroline Thetford; now, I am doing one for Jaelynn Watterson. Apparently, she is upset over the situation from three weeks ago as well as the undesired cartoon crossover special. Once again, I volunteered to take charge/leadership of a cheer up campaign."

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


If you ever have this issue, you may wish to address it with the police. That is what I did back in 2012 when I was first impersonated, which resulted in the impostor's account being suspended.nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monetization Issues

Whenever monetization is disabled for a video, there is an explanation why in terms of copyright. But what about for other reasons?nnUPDATE: As of August 7, 2017, there is a yellow monetization icon that means the video has limited or no ads on it because it is not suitable for most advertisers.nSource: video is a response to...n

Cheer Up Video for Caroline Thetford

Disowned on Nov 11, 2018nIt has come to my attention Caroline Thetford cannot own up to her actions and was insincere with her apologies.nnMy Original DescriptionnLate last night, I learned Caroline Thetford got upset because someone reminded her of what had happened earlier this year. In response, I launched a campaign to cheer her up. Some of my friends have made a cheer up video for Caroline Thetford and now it is my turn to do one.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy 16th Birthday, Christopher Rahaman!

Hey there folks; it's OfficerAPC with another birthday shoutout. This one goes to Christopher Rahaman, one of the seven users who made me a cheer up video about three weeks ago. He stands up against trolls with color card videos for the purpose of "protecting the innocent". Rant videos supplement those videos whenever necessary, particularly for hostile trolls. Outside of the color card videos, he also makes birthday special videos and other wonderful videos for his subscribers. Christopher Rahaman (a.k.a. Colorcard Ruler), if you are watching this video, Happy 16th Birthday to you!


2016 has been a rough year for many of us; one reason is the sadness that affected my friends. Three months ago today was when I got so upset I left the Internet, although I returned nearly a month later. Even if I did not leave the Internet, it still does not change the fact it hurts me to see my friends sad and cry on YouTube. Comments are welcome as long as they do not ask what got me so upset on Easter because I do not want to relive that heartbreaking day.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Romance Infringement

It has been three years since I got that damn copyright strike for infringing someone's romance. This is known as romance infringement, in which the strike was assigned to my YouTube account. Not only that, but I felt so ashamed I chose not to watch Big Brother 15.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Privacy and Security

This is the third time I had to upload a Chit Chat video to address something related to privacy. It has come to my attention some users have given out their own personal information. I say that was negligent of them to do that, which I warned about potential swatting incidents in the future.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, June 24, 2016

Quality Versus Quantity

Earlier today, I received notice that I have been fired from the local CPA firm I worked at for almost 5 months. The issue involves quality performance and morale of the story is that quality is better than quantity. Same thing applies with gaining popularity on YouTube.nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, June 23, 2016


People tend to celebrate anniversaries of certain events (excluding horrible ones out of respect for victims and their families), not just those on the Internet. Every day is an anniversary of something, whether you know it or not. I offer two examples of anniversaries pointing to June 23rd.nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


In general, I am neutral to videos celebrating subscriber milestones or anything special that would merit a milestone. However, some people take it a bit too far, giving the name less meaning to it.nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Immature Groups Use Alts

Every group I have seen on the Internet, there are some users with multiple accounts. I don't mind people having multiple accounts as long as they are not created for disruptive purposes, such as bypassing restrictions of any kind. The issue of pointless videos these groups make is addressed in a separate video.nnPledge Against Pointless Videosn Versionn video is a response to...n

Monday, June 20, 2016

Video Manager

Sure, I can arrange videos in my YouTube Video Manager based on date published, number of views, privacy settings, and monetization settings. I would like to be able to arrange them based on other analytic metrics (likes, comments, etc.).nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Invasion of Privacy

As a general rule of thumb, one must have permission before posting someone else's personal information. Without it, the uploader can get into serious trouble.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, June 18, 2016

External Links

Given what videos I saw today, I decided it's most appropriate to address the issue of external links in video descriptions. While I saw good external links in video descriptions, there are bad ones out there on some videos, particularly those claiming to provide full movies for free.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, June 17, 2016

About My Birthday

I would like to thank all of you supporters for sending me birthday wishes and other nice gifts to me. You are all sweet and I love you so much. This has been considered to be a Please Cheer Me Up video due to the fact three users ruined my 23rd birthday and I am deeply sorry for this one.nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy 23rd Birthday, OfficerAPC!

Disowned on Nov 14, 2018nI have been screwing up in chores so much it has put me on the Naughty List.nnMy Original DescriptionnHi everyone and welcome to a very special edition of Birthday Shoutouts, with your host, OfficerAPC. Today's birthday shoutout goes to myself. Why am I giving myself a birthday shoutout? Because my recent online decisions have benefitted other users, especially my friends, including those who made me cheer up videos last week. In the past, I have done Birthday Specials just for myself and look at what I have become. I went from being selfish and spoiled to a kind and generous user who is willing to invest time to do wonderful things for other users. It feels so great to be caring and loving, plus it gives me the heroic feeling I had three years ago. Now here comes a special surprise; the initials APC not only stand for my real name, Anthony Patrick Canfora, but they now stand for my own company within the Powerhouse of Entertainment, which is called Antonio Pittura Company. Happy Birthday to me!nnThis video is a response to...n


Defamation is not only a tort in the real world as an issue with the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but also a serious issue on the Internet with consequences both online and offline. It really irritates me whenever someone posts defamatory content at someone, whether it be myself, a fan/friend or mine, or anyone else.nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Seriously, if you are going to use someone else's content, even if it's not going to infringe copyright, you should still give credit, like Christopher Rahaman does.nnAnti-Property Theft Clubn video is a response to...n

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Copyright Infringement

Some users just won't learn their lesson after getting their accounts terminated for copyright reasons.nnAnti-Property Theft Clubn video is a response to...n

Monday, June 13, 2016

Deleted Videos in Lists

I am someone who likes a lot of YouTube videos. That's not a problem at all, until those videos get deleted for some reason. It is a nuisance for me to have to go through my Liked videos or any other playlist and remove all of the deleted videos.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tribute to All Victims of Shootings

This is not just for the Orlando Shooting early this morning, but for ALL of the shootings (past, present, and future). Some of you might remember this being uploaded as a response to the 1st observance of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting. But still, tragedies are to be taken very seriously.nnThe following royalty-free audio track was downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library:n"Funeral March" by Chopin

Loophole in Guidelines

Recently, there is a loophole found in the Community Guidelines. Someone can use copyrighted materials to avoid Community Guidelines strikes they would have otherwise received if they used their own content.nnUPDATE: YouTube recently updated their Terms of Service to address such loopholes and enforce strict rules for monetizing videos.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Account Terminations

Fact: YouTube does not allow new accounts created after initial termination.nnOpinion: I think that depends on the person as far as whether they deserved it or not.nnSource: video is a response to...n

Friday, June 10, 2016

New Features

In the past, new features were sometimes frowned upon, but nobody really knows until they try them out. The fact that having channel moderators could be the foundation for moderators in my fan club on Google+.nnThis video is a response to...n

Introduction to Joyful Videos

I hereby open up a new video series that replaces my former Miscellaneous Videos for my videos that don't fit into any of my other series. This is dedicated to those who cheered me up from the incident that happened early in June 2016.nnAlternate Versionn

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cheer Up Videos

As of this upload, my Birthday Shoutouts video series is now reopened! Also, this is not to be confused with Please Cheer Me Up Videos, where users upload videos expressing their alleged sadness and ask to be "cheered up".nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Birthday Shoutout Videos

I thought birthday shoutout videos were supposed to be wonderful videos for other users on their birthdays. Well, the issue behind those is that one little mistake will ruin the entire video as well as the user's birthday. Because of this and the fact I was called a traitor, I will never do birthday shoutouts ever again. Here, you can share your thoughts on my now closed video series.nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Channel Rules

I've seen my fair share of users with rules on their channels. Some are okay, but others are ridiculous. If I do add rules to my YouTube channel, they will also apply to my Google+ community.n video is a response to...n

Monday, June 6, 2016

Color Card Videos

In my opinion, I don't consider color card videos to be pointless as they give information/feedback about specified users. However, some take it too far and make a big deal over everything.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Favorites Playlist Gone

In the past, people used to add videos to their Favorites. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to do that just like the old days of YouTube. The good news is I know the mechanism behind the URLs of Favorites playlists. After the = in any playlist URL, there is FL instead of PL which proceeds by the unique channel ID and random series identifier, respectively.nnHere is where my Favorites playlist would be if it were still a thing.n video is a response to...n

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Happy 15th Birthday, Master Wheatley!

Master Wheatley, a.k.a. Wheatley Master, turns 15 today. I first met him on DeviantArt and since then, we have become great friends online to help each other in need. Today is also Wheatlie's birthday; that's Wheatlie spelled with an "ie" instead of an "ey". Master Wheatley, if you are watching this, happy birthday to you; same thing with Wheatlie.

Analytic Metrics

As you know, YouTube is serious about analytic metrics in the interests of being fair to everybody. And yet, there are still spammers out there who will do anything to abuse analytics to make themselves seem more known that actual. It really drives my crazy and if there are any comments asking for Sub4Sub, they will be removed; same thing goes with talking me into these spam tactics.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, June 3, 2016

Pointless Videos

People are aware that making pointless videos using copyrighted materials is a serious violation of the terms and the law, yet they do it anyway.nnPledge Against Pointless Videosn video is a response to...n

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Privacy Complaint Issues

Due to the recent misuses of privacy complaints, I felt like I needed to address this in a chit chat video.nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Most Heartbreaking BB Episode Ever!

As Big Brother 18 approaches three weeks later, I have made a throwback video to the Big Brother Tragedy.nnThe following royalty-free audio track was downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library:n"Moonlight Sonata" by BeethovennnThis video is a response to:n

Moment of Silence

As a creative way to bring back my Tributes for Tragedies videos, I decided to do a test of the Moment of Silence.

Return of Chit Chats

Some of you might recall the original version of my Chit Chat videos back in the spring of 2013. Whether you are one of those users or not, I am proud to announce the reboot version of my Chit Chat videos. This time, I will be focusing on YouTube issues rather than my personal issues.nnThis video is a response to...n