Saturday, April 30, 2016

Happy 14th Birthday, Caroline Thetford!

Disowned on Nov 11, 2018nIt has come to my attention Caroline Thetford cannot own up to her actions and was insincere with her apologies.nnMy Original DescriptionnHey everyone, this is OfficerAPC with a birthday shoutout for Caroline Thetford. Today is her 14th birthday and in addition to wishing Caroline Thetford a happy birthday, I would like to give a shoutout to her. Caroline Thetford, more like Caring Thetford, cares so much about her friends, especially me and Allie DeSaint. Whenever I get upset and need cheering up, Caroline Thetford is there for me and understands my pain and why I ask for certain things to be done. My heart can feel the meaning of her username, SweetBitty05, on DeviantArt and without her love, support, and respect, I would have left the Internet crying my eyes out and never come back. Caroline Thetford, or whatever you like to be called, if you are watching this video, happy birthday and thank you so much for your kindness. I love you so much as a special friend.

Introduction to Birthday Shoutouts

Starting May 1, 2016, I will be doing birthday shoutouts for other users on the Internet. Later that same year, I will be making holiday specials on a monthly basis.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Redoing My UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Experience

Connecting from the past to the present, I put together my whole entire UtubeTrollPoliceTeam experience and reveal that this channel is a reboot from June 2014. What an interesting month that was for me, considering it also included my 21st birthday (June 17th).nnThis video is a response to...n

Undoing My UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Experience

Both my demonic compilation video and the dozen individual videos have now been reversed, as if my UtubeTrollPoliceTeam experience were to take place in Soviet Russia.nnThis video is a response to...n

Demonizing My UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Experience

Rather than doing this for each individual video, like I did back in June 2014 on a separate channel, I decided to just demonize the entire dozen of my UtubeTrollPoliceTeam videos.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, April 24, 2016

UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Currency

If the constitution is going to be written for the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam, it should include what currency the force shall use for transactions. The same public domain image in my "UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Warnings" video is also featured with 6 additional color variations.nnAudio Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Calling the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam

An anonymous caller has called the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam, asking for assistance in regards to harassment and cyberbullying on the Internet. The UtubeTrollPoliceTeam advises everyone, not just the anonymous caller, to refrain from feeding the trolls, as it would intensify the situation and make it harder for site admins to identify who were the original trolls and take action against them.nnImage Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Positive Reaction

Whenever I encounter something I like, this is my reaction.nnNOTE: The recording of my voice was inspired by a student who self-played Tic-Tac-Toe in grade school long ago. For privacy reasons, I will not reveal the name of that student.nnThis video is a response to...n

Honorable Badges

These are the badges every member can earn. However, enlisted members of the UTTP can earn up to the Gold Badge. They must become officers of the UTTP in order to be eligible for badges higher than gold.nnImages Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Negative Reaction

Whenever I encounter something I dislike, this is my reaction.nnAudio Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Detained and Arrested by the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam

Criminals will be detained and arrested by the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam one way or another.nnImages Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Alarm Test

Anything can happen on the Internet and a single post could potentially go viral within minutes. That's why the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam has an alarm test to be conducted on a periodical basis, as required by the law.nnImage Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

UtubeTrollPoliceTeam Warnings

The flashing lights from a UTTP Police Car represent an arrest at the scene with up to three warnings before using force, if necessary.nnNote: The background behind my UTTP Police Car uses the same public domain picture from my "UTTP Police Car Arriving at the Crime Scene" video.nnThis video is a response to...n

UTTP High Council Court

In a typical courthouse, everyone is asked to stand up when the judge arrives. He may test to see if his gavel is working the way it's supposed to. After that, people can sit back down as the judge declares court in session. All of this applies to the UTTP High Council Court, whether there is a criminal/civil case going on.nnImages Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

The Five Bizarre Online Lessons I Learned

As crazy as it sounds; I learned these lessons online. Even the strangest things are useful to know about.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, April 22, 2016

UTTP Police Car Arriving at the Crime Scene

The UtubeTrollPoliceTeam will arrest criminals on the Internet, not just YouTube.nnImages Used (Public Domain):n Used (Creative Commons License):n video is a response to...n

Joining the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam as OfficerAPC

I have decided to join the UtubeTrollPoliceTeam as OfficerAPC because the Good Citizens Against Evil Clowns got shut down after getting involved in The Amazing Race All-Stars Scandal.nnAlternate Versionn video is a response to...n