Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018!

Inspired by a very rough October I had all month long, I present you an "evil" holiday special video that shows me in a Halloween costume and I take trick-or-treating to a whole new level! Let's hope I have a great Halloween to not only make a happy ending for a miserable month, but also my first great Wednesday Halloween since 2001.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Finishing a Video Series

This is the last video of my Quick Tutorials video series, so it makes perfect sense to show you how to end a video series you have on your channel.nnThis video is a response to...n

Monday, October 29, 2018

Gallery Folders

Initially, I did not need any gallery folders on DeviantArt, but began to require them for uploading a lot of deviations. I show you how to set up gallery folders on DeviantArt, just simply repeat the instructions in the video for however many you need.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Extra Rage Waffles

Yesterday, I was so mad at myself for not performing chores according to professional standards in a workmanlike manner throughout this month. As a result, I took it out on two waffles and some Nutella for a quick tutorial video on a balanced breakfast I call extra rage waffles.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Eggscream Sandwich

Since I screwed up in chores to the point where I erased all my progress, this tutorial video is from last year, where I show you how to make an eggscream sandwich, which was my dessert last night!nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, October 26, 2018

Apologies and Cheer Ups

In this video, I share you my experiences with making apology videos and cheer up videos, the former of which was discontinued in early 2017 prior to the first of my two elimination series.nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Cheer Up Video 14 for Greenstar Emily 2002

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnI know I was supposed to do this Tuesday night, but plans got postponed for this cheer up video till now. Greenstar Emily 2002 had a rough day that same day and to make up for what happened yesterday, the funny clip includes a bus running over a plastic soda bottle filled with cringy water (in other words, tears) of my past memories and a cup of jealousy (made with coffee and cigarette butts).

The Best Turkey

This is EXACTLY how I am going to cook my own turkey for this Thanksgiving, which I will eat all weekend four weeks from now!nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Big Prank

Inspired by a Halloween-exclusive mission in BULLY, I come up with my own version of it and show you how that is done. This is the official 500th upload on my channel, not including the placeholder livestream.nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Birthdays and Holidays

In this video, I share you my experiences with making birthday shoutouts and holiday specials, the latter of which must be shared in Callie Jay Thompson's fan club due to an online court order effective November 14, 2016, the same day my student loans entered repayment.nnOnline Court Documentationn video is a response to...n

Monday, October 22, 2018

Audio Tones

Replacing my former compilation video of the same name, I show you how to edit your audio recording in Audacity.nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cheer Up Video 3 for Hello Bob

Since yesterday was a thousand days since my initial POE ban, I decided this cheer up video will be inspired by that moment, along with some gameplay footage that is completely silent due to copyright issues.nnWhack The Thief on MoFunZonen

Google+ to Facebook

If your favorite things on Google+ were collections and communities, Facebook has both of these features, though they call the latter groups, while the former lets you include other people's posts instead of just your own! Here, I will show you how to create a collection and a group on Facebook, so you can continue from what you left off of from Google+.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Moving on From Failures

Since I earned a decent grade in yesterday's chores, I might as well show you how you can move on from failures (not just chores). All you need is a piece of paper with an F written on it and a sense of imagination!nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, October 19, 2018

Egg Tacos

I sure was pissed when I found out I got an F for the third consecutive Thursday in this month's chores. So, I took it out on my lunch for today and then ate the mess of madness.nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Compact Recyclables

Although you can compact recyclables by foot, you can use a bus for faster results!nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Burning a Milkshake

Now that I got my Badge of Uploading on SocialBlade, I'm ready to reveal to the whole world how it's possible to burn a milkshake!nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Cheer Up Video for TheBiggestBBFan

It turns out my very first cheer up video was actually uploaded on Saturday, November 16, 2013, NOT on Tuesday, June 28, 2013, in which the video showed "9 Ways to Torture Andy Herren" (title of that video) and nowadays, I regret making that video due to cringe. Although I'm happy Big Brother 20 did not turn out to be like Big Brother 15, TheBiggestBBFan may be feeling sad about the uncertain future of the summer reality television show due to sexual allegations. Hopefully, the situation will get producers to enforce rules (especially all forms of sexual misconduct) more strictly in the future.

Solving the NxNxN Cube

To make up for my error in last week's mass cheer up video, I decided to remake my NxNxN cube I once made five years ago!nnThis video is a response to...n

Monday, October 15, 2018

Happy 34th Birthday, Rachel Reilly!

Before I get started with this one, I'd like to say this birthday shoutout video will be my 500th YouTube video on my channel! That's right, 500 videos including this one, in which I am making for Rachel Reilly. Not only is she famous in reality television, but is also a wonderful friend to talk to online and in real life. Speaking of reality television, it was totally awesome when she got to host the Chop-Bonk-Spank Power of Veto competition in Big Brother 20. Justice sure was served then! Anyways, I would like to wish you Rachel Reilly a Happy 34th Birthday!

Mean Breakfast

After an exciting day yesterday, I decided to take Monday Blues to a whole new level by making myself a mean looking breakfast!nnThis video is a response to...n

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Cheer Up Video for Amanda Rose

This is something I need to get off my fucking chest. While it's fine to hate Amanda Rose, but constantly bitching about her past and accusing her of bullshit that's not true is not okay. For those of you who do this crap, please STOP because she doesn't need to suffer any more drama, especially after what happened late last night. And for those of you who are loyal to Amanda Rose, I recommend you help ease her pain.

Video Speeds

Replacing my former compilation video of the same name, I show you how to set different video speeds in Windows Movie Maker.nnThis video is a response to...n

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Cheer Up Video 13 for Greenstar Emily 2002

Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original Descriptionn2018 has been a rough year for many of us; but for me, this year started out great as I finally made it through January without getting sick and/or into online trouble. However, February was when the year started to become cringeworthy, beginning with the Monday after Super Bowl LII. Since then, I have been struggling to have a decent year overall.nnLinks to My Deleted Apology Videosn1. Matthew Davisn2. The Powerhouse of Entertainmentn3. Matthew Davis (2nd)n4. Christopher Rahamann5. Luke2505n6. OfficerJH

Your YouTube Channel

Recently, I updated my channel and I would like to show you how to do so, particularly with up to 14 links.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, October 12, 2018

Toasted Bagels

Since I got two big fat F's in a row this week, I might as well show you how to quickly toast your bagels WITHOUT cutting them open. And yes, I ate those for breakfast this morning and they were the best toasted bagels I ever ate. You're welcome, fans of Bus Run Over Stuff!nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Remoistened Steak

Words cannot describe how bad of a day I had yesterday, so I show you how to remoisten your dried steak (and cut it up) as quickly as possible!nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Making Nachos Outside

Ever wished you can make nachos outside? No problem, I will show you how to do that in this video!nnThis video is a response to...n

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mass Cheer Up Video 4

It was unfortunate Columbus Day got ruined for some of my friends yesterday because some butthurt user decided to betray them for no good reason. That's why I made this mass cheer up video.

Delicious Rage Sandwich

In one of my past APC Abuse videos, I showed you my rage waffles recipe. Now, I show you how to make a delicious rage sandwich!nnThis video is a response to...n

Monday, October 8, 2018

Compact Trash by Foot

In some of my past cheer up videos, I included footage of me compacting trash with just one foot. Here's how to do it when both feet are required. Just make sure you are wearing old sneakers so you don't make your new ones smelly with garbage.nnInspired by SCOTTURDSn video is a response to...n

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Entertainment Outdoors

Sick of dealing with online drama? No worries, the solution is to have some fun outside (weather permitting). Here, I show you an example of a day filled with outdoor activities morning, afternoon, and evening! Permission is granted for me to use part of Callie Jay Thompson's latest video as of this upload (see link below).nn"Wildwood Fireworks 2017 & 2018"n video is a response to...n

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Color Schemes

Replacing my former compilation video of the same name, I show you how to design custom color schemes in Microsoft Office.nnThis video is a response to...n

Friday, October 5, 2018

Apple Pancakes

Some of you might remember when I made a video like this and uploaded it to ZippCast in late 2015, but now I have remade it to be uploaded here. I show you how to make apple pancakes as quickly and easily as possible. Bon Appétit!nnThis video is a response to...n

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Random Oatmeal

Here's a fun little game I like to do in the morning when the weather gets cold.nnThis video is a response to...n

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Collection Posts

A few weeks ago, I taught Callie Jay Thompson how to move posts from one collection to another and pin one particular post to the top of a collection. Now, this tutorial is available to the public, especially those who wish to organize their collection posts on Google+. This will be the last time (excluding remakes and re-uploads) I bring up the Top 86 Bullworth Academy Character Contest because those two elimination series are so done!nnHere is the link to the collection I used for this video.n video is a response to...n

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Organizing Playlists

Do you have a bunch of unorganized playlists on your YouTube channel? I will show you how to organize them using a shortcut if the playlists are too big to manually organize or if you simply don't have the time.nnThis video is a response to...n

Monday, October 1, 2018

Starting a New Series

What better way to kick off this series with a tutorial on how to get started! Here's how, along with a few tips.nnThis video is a response to...n