Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Cheer Up Video 7 for Callie Jay Thompson

One month after Jalacktigate, Callie Jay Thompson felt sad because another friend of hers did the same thing in the scandal back then. Just comes to show true friends are those who would never do something like that. More PAIN footage is included for slapstick humor!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Happy 24th Birthday, TheBiggestBBFan!

It's time to make a birthday shoutout to someone I met in real life who introduced me to Big Brother and The Amazing Race. He calls himself TheBiggestBBFan on YouTube; that information came into play in late 2012, when I began college. Back then, TheBiggestBBFan shared me his interest in Rachel Reilly, inspiring me to develop an interest in her as well as her husband Brendon Villegas and her sister Elissa Slater. After all these years, TheBiggestBBFan remains a close friend of mine in the real world, even after bad times in late 2014! This is OfficerAPC wishing TheBiggestBBFan a Happy 24th Birthday!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cheer Up Video 2 for Taylor Jolicoeur

It's really a shame some users have to impersonate others. No wonder YouTube mentioned "protect our creators" when they made changes to the monetization threshold.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Cheer Up Video 12 for CodeLyokoFan2002

Two things have made CodeLyokoFan2002 upset: abuse on Discord and the flu. Those two make a depressing combination, in which PAIN footage also illustrates last year's cyclonic drama.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Even into 2018, some idiotic actions are being done for attention. Stupidity from attention-seekers has gotten so bad I needed to make this video to address the issue.nnProps to Armysniper310 for notifying me the latest occurrence of stupidity that happened this past MLK Day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Happy 20th Birthday, Luke2505!

This birthday shoutout is going to someone I have known since late 2015/early 2016. At that time, Luke2505 was part of a once-great entertainment community on Google+. Despite the group becoming awful, he still tried his best to maintain peace in there. After months of agony, Luke2505 decided to move on with his life and focus on more productive goals, something we should all do for the future. So, Luke2505, I would like to wish you a Happy 20th Birthday ... SCORE!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Lavender Lives Matter

Anti-Duncan League? More Like Assholes Don't Learn!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Happy 25th Birthday, Oshy!

Ever since I met Oshy online in 2015, which was three years ago, he has been a great friend to me. He makes several types of videos, which started out with ordinary camera footage and over the years, his video quality significantly improved in terms of video recording, just like TheSonyFanGirl1's gameplay videos. Not just that, but also the content shown is attracting quite an audience, just like Christopher Rahaman. On behalf of all the Yoshis, we would like to wish you (Oshy) a Happy 25th Birthday!

Cheer Up Video 15 for FreezingFlameSaint64

After an overly dramatic 2017, 2018 made its way to life. Some of us got off to a great start of this year, while others didn't. FreezingFlameSaint64 is feeling upset for some reason and her sadness worsened from last week to this week. That's why I am making this cheer up video.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

7th Random Video (Archive Channel Trailer)

Originally, Antonio Pittura Company was going to be a company within a once-peaceful group on Google+. Due to accumulating cringe over the recent years, Antonio Pittura Company is now an independent archive company that preserves my own content: past, present, and future!nnAntonio Pittura Company & Subsidiariesn

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy 18th Birthday, TheSonyFanGirl1!

Despite her ongoing depression, TheSonyFanGirl1 is still a loving, caring, and a very special person to me. 2016 was a miserable year for me and she cared for me with cheer up videos. 2017 was a horrible year, but our roles were swapped as I cared for her by returning the favor. I really do miss the good times when TheSonyFanGirl1 (a.k.a TheSpecialFriendGal1) had so much fun on YouTube with entertaining videos. It's sad to see those go through a long pause with your depression in the way. But at least we still get to chat online occasionally. TheSonyFanGirl1, on behalf of your Crazy Animals, Happy 18th Birthday!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Happy 13th Birthday, Bea Koretkii!

After returning from holiday break, it is now time to give the first birthday shoutout video of 2018. This one is for Bea Koretkii, who enters her teenage life today. As you can probably tell, she is into Happy Tree Friends and GoAnimate, but does not act like rabid cartoon police groups who bash on the former and obsess over the latter. She even featured my GoAnimate form on her YouTube Channel Art and Google+ Photos. Happy 13th Birthday, Bea Koretkii!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Cheer Up Video 4 for Sky Media

Did you have a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? For me, yes; for Sky Media, no. Apparently, drama happened in an online chat, which gave a rough start to 2018 for Sky Media.

Monday, January 1, 2018

YouTube Paid Content

Recently, YouTube introduced a new method of channel monetization with sponsorships on YouTube Gaming. One month ago, users were notified of the end of YouTube Paid Content. Now, the only thing left with that is individual video purchases, which will last until five years from now.nnThe End of YouTube Paid Contentn