Cheer Up Video 13 for FreezingFlameSaint64
There are multiple reasons why FreezingFlameSaint64 is upset, but she would rather not share them. Here, I cheer her up with a funny moment I remember from middle school art class.
There are multiple reasons why FreezingFlameSaint64 is upset, but she would rather not share them. Here, I cheer her up with a funny moment I remember from middle school art class.
More drama is wreaking havoc on BronyMult, causing his online life to suffer significantly.
You might recall a similar victory during the 2nd quarter of 2015 because history has repeated itself.
Six months ago today was her 14th birthday, so today I am making a halfway birthday shoutout for Wendy Loves Stocking. She is a wonderful friend I met last year prior to rejoining YouTube and creating joyful videos for other users. In happy moments, Wendy and I have a great time online on Google+YouTube, and now DeviantArt as well! Our fun may expand to include other websites as well. In sad moments, we are there for each other. Despite not having as much interest in cheer up videos as me, Wendy still lets me make those for her when she needs them. To wrap up, I say Happy 14½ Birthday, Wendy Loves Stocking!
Vacation time is not really a holiday, but rather a time to get away from the drama online and in real life. Here are my vacation plans for this year as summer comes to an end.
CodeLyokoFan2002 had a very rough weekend with a near death experience and not being able to communicate with one of her newest friends. Because today was the day for this year's solar eclipse, I decided to make a special edition of cheer up videos.
Around this time last year was when I came home from my vacation trip. Now, I am giving a birthday shoutout to Lps Moon Light, who enjoys making videos with her LPS and MLP characters. Those videos are not only for the fun of it, but provide useful lessons in life. This is especially for her Lps First Aid series, which I found the most interesting as they reminded me of elementary school health class. Here's OfficerAPC wishing you, Lps Moon Light, a Happy 19th Birthday!
Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnLast night, Emily's grandmother fallen and had difficulty getting up, which reminded me of the catch phrase, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" from such commercials. To distract Emily from her sadness, I show you all the correct way to serve dessert, inspired by HowToBasic.
While BronyMult is mature and responsible, he feels betrayed by two other users who call him disgraceful. This calls for a cheer up video in response to hateful drama against him.
To cheer up TheSonyFanGirl1 from her "heated anxiety" last month, I bring back some of her YouTube channel memories from last year.
A few days after my Top 86 Bullworth Academy Character Contest ended, Callie Jay Thompson dealt with upsetting cringe from me and some other users. Callie and I apologized and forgave each other, but a cheer up video was still needed.
I know I was supposed to do this one six months ago, but I am giving Elissa Slater a halfway birthday shoutout video. Why Elissa Slater? She is the sister of the famous Rachel Reilly, in which I first heard of the former in Spring 2013 and the latter in Fall 2012. Elissa Slater, just like Rachel Reilly, has beloved fans from all over America who rooted for her to win Big Brother 15. Despite her loss in that season, fans successfully voted her for America's Favorite Houseguest, which brought relief to one of my real life friends. Six months ago today, it was her 31st birthday; now it is her 31½ birthday!
This birthday shoutout video is a little bit different because it is for someone I met on DeviantArt who does not have a YouTube channel yet. Angelina Mac is a very loyal friend on DeviantArt to me and some of my other online friends. She also has a great time on that website with her artwork and photography. On top of that, she features some images made by her friends, which shows great appreciation for her support. Yesterday was DeviantArt's 17th birthday and today, we celebrate Angelina Mac's 14th birthday!
It's bad enough Sky Media suffered harsh treatment online, but now the same thing is happening to CodeLyokoFan2002.
Disowned on Dec 3, 2018nAn online court has ruled this user to be overly depressed and undeserving of supportive content.nnMy Original DescriptionnIn the past few weeks, 343Florida2014 suffered sadness due to multiple drama incidents. It was now time to give her yet another cheer up video. If you hear any background noises, it was the stormy weather from earlier today.
Within a few weeks after opening up a new channel, Christopher Rahaman got a copyright strike on a video where he was simply reacting to someone else's content. That counts as commentary/criticism, one purpose of a fair use of copyrighted works. Credit goes to Christopher Rahaman for the CR Abuse videos, which I have reversed them here.